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Calendar of EventsM MonT TueW WedT ThuF FriS SatS Sun0 events,0 events,0 events,0 events,1 event,
Traditional Irish Music Session at the Landmark Tavern in ManhattanTraditional Irish Music Session at the Landmark Tavern in ManhattanWith Don Meade on the Banjo, Fiddle, Harmonica, Guitar...... 0 events,1 event,
Traditional Irish Music Session in Port Jervis, NYTraditional Irish Music Session in Port Jervis, NYWith Linda Hickman on the Flute and Al Gessner on the Button Box 1 event,
Traditional Irish Music Session at Fitzgerald’s 1928 of Glen Ridge, NJTraditional Irish Music Session at Fitzgerald’s 1928 of Glen Ridge, NJWith Steve Wickins on the Bodhran 0 events,0 events,0 events,0 events,0 events,0 events,0 events,1 event,
Night of Singing and Dancing at the Kerry Hall in YonkersNight of Singing and Dancing at the Kerry Hall in YonkersFeaturing Clare Horgan and Donie Carroll on Guitar and Vocals 0 events,1 event,
Installation of Officers at the Cork Hall in Long Island City, NYInstallation of Officers at the Cork Hall in Long Island City, NYWith Donie Carroll on Guitar and Vocals 1 event,0 events,1 event,
Traditional Irish Music Session in Port Jervis, NYTraditional Irish Music Session in Port Jervis, NYWith Linda Hickman on the Flute & Al Gessner on the Button Box 0 events,0 events,1 event,Andy Cooney’s Cruise of Irish StarsFrom Ft. Lauderdale, FL. to the Eastern Carribean with a host of top Irish Entertainment 1 event,1 event,1 event,1 event,1 event,1 event, |